
Our thoughts on Video production & editing, photography, writing

Blog 4 - Creativity 1


Creativity So many people say to me that they’re not creative. They are wrong, totally wrong.  If you are alive, and can string two thoughts together, you are creative.  There is something fundamental about human creativity. We need it to survive, and it can lead us to thrive.  Creativity isn’t just about being able to play jazz drums, or paint … Read More

Blog 3 - People 1


People Everything we do is about connection – connecting people to each other, to the wider world and to another part of themselves.  The photography, videography and writing we do has always been about helping our clients to connect with their audiences in a deeper way, with warmth and authenticity.  Equality is incredibly important to us. When recruiting we look … Read More

Blog 2 - Environment 1


How are we reducing our environmental impact? Every human being and every other living thing we’ve ever discovered scoots and shimmies on, under and over the thin crust of a quite remarkable orb. That orb is our home: Planet Earth, whizzing around our local star at 66,000 miles per hour.  No wonder my hair and beard are so often ‘windswept … Read More

KES / Photography

The King Edward VI school in Stratford upon Avon has a long and distinguished history, being the school attended by a certain William Shakespeare – his school room still exists today. One of the highlights of the school year is the Christmas Concert, attended by students past and present, parents and local people.

Ashleigh Clarke / Photography

Ashleigh Clarke Architects were refreshing their brand image with a new website, new logos, and a totally new look. They needed photographs of the team, and a new video for the home page of the website. They wanted a particular look for all their media to match brand colours and styles.

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