

If I was to say we had one particular specialism, it would be education. It’s something that’s always been very important to me on a personal level. 

Despite always being an avid reader, I can remember struggling at school. On my 9th birthday I was starting at a new school and asked to stand up and recite the two times table. I didn’t even know what it was. The other students were either amused or embarrassed. A boy called Stephen was tasked with teaching me, he’s now an airline pilot and I’m still grateful for his mathematical help. . 

From then on I got stuck into learning, getting a good slew of O levels, GCSEs, A levels, a degree, a masters degree and the odd course here and there: from how to safely use a chain saw in a tall tree, to getting 100% in my food hygiene exam. 

I’ve experienced the value of education, and I see how it can make a huge difference to people’s lives. 

I don’t just mean academic education, but learning any manner of skills, crafts and abilities. 

We’ve made videos for clients which have helped people to learn about: dressmaking, pottery, LinkedIn, road safety, active travel, local history, Shakespeare, and even the value of education itself. 

Education is fundamentally human

Human beings are curious, often insatiably so. Many of us love to learn, and will continue to do so until we fall off life’s cliff. It’s why we have been so successful in colonising most corners of the Earth – we learn, adapt, and amend our environments and skills to a staggeringly complex degree. 

There is so much to understand about the world, about people, about crafts, about languages, about history, about nature, about food, about culture, about gardening… it’s infinite. 

We really love working on educational projects

Bringing useful knowledge and fascinating facts to the young and young at heart is fundamentally important to us. So if you have an educational project or course that you want to take to a wider audience, get in touch.

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